Monday, July 13, 2015

county Fair...

The county fair is the books!!!  Jacob did a wonderful job on his projects.  he made tic tac toe game, did some research on walnuts and then some photography for the Exhibit building.  He also took his Polled Hereford Heifer and his Commercial Heifer.  The polled Hereford weighed 1046 and the commercial one weight 1229.  He did a great job showing both didn't complain once about his 5am wake up call on show day.  He won Champion polled Hereford.  He earned 435 at the premium sale tonight.  He did a very good job introducing himself.. Jeremy and I both thought he was one of the best speakers at of all the kids. He also won the 10 year old pedal pull!!!  

Joey participated in the pedal pull, coloring contest, made and N for the open exhibit building, and showed Scrappy. He did a great job introducing himself and scrappy and they asked him what trick scrappy does and he told them he kills Rabbits!!!  Scrappy received a nice bath.  He smelled way better but still pretty stinky lol.  Joey was so happy to get a medal for have the shortest animal!!!

Justin placed 2nd in the pedal pull, won a coloring contest and received a new piggy bank with quarters in it, and did lots of playing and running and took a few naps in the camper at the fair.  Oh and I must mention somehow snuck away from Jeremy and I and ended up over in the Contestant part of the rodeo.  he was missing for about an hour.  Come to find out he was with kids he knew the whole time.  Thank goodness for living in a small county!!!   

We came home after a long sale it being very hot today.  So we enjoyed a late night swim.  I am hoping a laundry fairy shows up at my house tonight!!!!!

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