Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jeremy's new ride!

Jeremy's old 77 chevette( that was his grandpa's) has seen it's  better day.  So he just happen to find this 76 chevette.  So HE had to buy it!  Well he drove it home and it has been parked at his work because the roads are to bad!!  So hopefully it warms up soon so we can start saving gas!!!  I also have to add the BOYS love it!! 

Christmas Vacation!

Jacob has been enjoying his Christmas Vacation.  From playing with cousins to helping with his little brothers!!  Jeremy and Jacob have been getting much needed bonding time.  He has been helping Jeremy build fence, feed the calves and even was able to go with dad to runt he new bale processor for the first time.  I am sure some people think oh he shouldn't be doing that stuff, but it way better than him sitting in the house being lazy and playing video games....  Jeremy and Jacob even hooked the sled behind the 4-wheeler and drove around in the snow drifts.  Jacob has had lots of fun. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Christmas Eve was held at our house for the Graham side.  Then on Christmas morning the boys woke and enjoyed all of their presents.  They were all so excited.  We will be having Christmas with my family on Thursday night.

Joey had a special delivery on Christmas Eve. When we took the boys' to see Santa at the coop they had a drawing for a wagon.  Joey just happen to be the lucky winner.  As you can see the Joey, Justin and my nephew Wyatt had a great time in it.  

Jacob had a great Christmas too.  Of course he received most of the things he wanted for Christmas(all but a go-kart!).  Now we get spend the rest of break playing and having lots of fun.  Hard to believe my Jacob is getting so big.....  

Jeremy also seemed to have gotten spoiled this Christmas.  He found a 76 Chevette to buy.  He also received ISU/OSU mens basketball tickets.  He has some new reading material from Dave Ramsey(we seem to hear ALOT about him latey,Santa even brought Jacob a book!).  For some reason I seem to spoil Jeremy just as bad as the boys!!!

The boys have also been enjoying their new trampoline they received from Jeremy's mom and Step dad.  They have spent endless hours JUMPING!!!   

We will spend today getting all the new goodies put away.  Then after my mom's Christmas on Thursday we will have to find more room for all of her goodies!!  

I think my kids are very fortunate to have such a wonderful family to celebrate Holiday's with.  Now they are hoping for warmer weather so they can go ride their "DUNE BUGGY"!!  LOVE MY BOYS!!  Even the big one!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Joey's Birthday!!

So I will admit I HATE December Birthdays!!  So since poor Joey has one he gets spoiled rotten!!!  We spent the day going to Greenfield to the Case IH tractor store where he came home with a small tractor and daddy came home with a brand new Haybuster bale grinder!!! Then as soon as we came home from there,  we loaded up and headed to Chuckie cheeses!!  The boys had lots of fun.  Then we had his Birthday Party on Saturday night.  He had a Case IH cake and enjoyed every minute of it. He loves his new bike he got and all of his other toys!!   

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

First combine ride!

Joey had his first combine ride!! My brother Adam was combining for Jeremy's Uncle Rob.  Joey had lots of fun!

more pictures

catching up!!!!

So I haven't blogged in a very long time!!!  Here are some random pictures.  Hopefully I get back into a routine!!!  The boys are all doing good.  Jeremy is staying very busy working and farming. He has been working many overtime hours. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

State pedal pull

family pictures!

We had out first outdoor family pictures taken!!!  The boys did pretty good.  So glad we were able to get them taken.  It will be so much to look at them when they get older. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Iowa State Fair

Well it means summer is almost over!!  We went to the state fair some, but not as much as Jeremy and I like!!!  It has been the best weather ever for the fair.... The boys did pretty good but it a challenge taking them.  We were told my many "strangers" that we have our hands full.  The question of "Are they twins?" came up many times. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

mud puddles

We finally got some much needed rain!!!  Yeah !!!  Justin LOVED playing int he puddles.  He has grown up soo fast. He is talking so much and wants to do everything the bigboys want to do.  We love his blond hair!!  He is such a sweetheart!! 

Jacob's sale

Jacob had a bake sale with my garage sale a couple weeks ago.  He was so excited for it.  We took the money he made and put it into his savings account for college.... 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Little pool

We bought a "little" pool for Justin and Joey.  They had so much fun in it today.  Of course Jacob had to join in on the fun.  It is hard to believe Justin and Joey are 10 months apart, since they look the same size!