Thursday, May 15, 2014

Preschool Graduation

Joey is just in 3 year old preschool.  So he had a graduation this week.  He is graduating to 4 year old preschool!!  He had such a fun time.  He was so excited for it.  Of course he thought the WHOLE family be there.  They had cake, punch and mints for everyone afterwards. He is really growing up so fast.  His teacher is Mrs. Newton, and then there are 3 associates,  Mrs. Darrah, Ms. Peckham, and Ms. Ruby (I use to babysit her almost every Saturday).  I guess it means school will be out before long.  BRING ON SUMMER!!! 

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Mrs, Darrah


MS, Ruby
Ms. Pekham

Great Grandma Kathryn and Joey.

Mothers Day 2014

Mothers Day just happen o be very wet this year!!!!  So that meant Jeremy had his first day off from hauling fuel in 4 weeks. Jacob made me waffles all by himself.  Then Jacob and I went to church.  At church I received a beautiful flower.  When I came home Jacob had me a wonderful gift.  He had Uncle Dick take him to Farm and Home so he could get me something.  Mt. Ayr Farm and Home doesn't have many "GIRLY" things!!!  The last time he went there to get me something I received a pocket knife and BB's.  This time he picked out this outdoor thermometer with 2 pretty dogs on it.  Then I was told he was hanging it in his room.  So not sure if I really get it or not.  Jeremy tool the  boys shopping Saturday night to get me cards.  I think he realized how shopping is with 2 kids. Of course I just laugh!!!  He made it sound like I wouldn't know how it is to shop with kids!!!  Sunday Afternoon Jeremy and I went and spent the rest of the day in Des Moines. My kids spent the day at my parents... It was a pretty relaxing afternoon!!! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Jeremy's Birthday!!!!

Jeremy turned 37!!!!  Even though his birthday was on Sunday he still hauled fuel and then worked on the
farm .   The boys made him 2 cakes!!!  Of course sand him happy birthday many time!!!  But even though he is getting old he still likes to have fun!!!

Catching up!!!

So just a little behind!!!    The month of April was filled with lot of baby calves, Music concerts, Easter Egg Hunts and of course Amy's hospital visit for Kidney stones.   On Late Easter afternoon I started having terrible pains.  I had no idea what was wrong with me.  It was way worse than having a baby.  So I called Jeremy and he came in and took me to the hospital.  As he was driving I kept saying can you make this pickup go any faster.  Considering he was going 90 that was probably fast enough!!!  I stayed Sunday night and Monday night in the hospital.  Then Jeremy had time to come get me on Tuesday in the fuel truck to bring me home.  I finally passed 1 stone.  I have many more in me.  While I was in the hospital Joey had a music concert so I had to miss it. Poor Joey just wanted to stay with me at the hospital!!  I was so glad to get home.  Otherwise Jeremy has been working many hours. Jacob is busy in school activities.   Here are a few pictures.....