Friday, April 3, 2015

Party Time!!!

Justin has been talking about Grandma Kathryn's birthday for over a month.  At first he was going to have a wiener roast and Grandpa Don's farm for her.  Then he decided to have a party at the Ice Cream Shop.  I think he thought it would be a BIG party like he has.  We took Grandma for a nice ride and then went to Dairy queen.  Back at her house she open her present the boys sang to her and of course we had cake and Ice Cream.  I asked the boys how old they thought grandma was.  Joey said she is 41!  Jeremy and I still can't believe she is 89.  We love going to see her and enjoy all of her stories and visiting with her.  Justin also told Grandma Kathryn that Grandpa Don (my mom's dad that has been dead since 1996) and him climbed to the top of the water tower and sat.  Grandma asked what did you do up there.  he said we drank beer.  Grandma said well how did you keep from falling off, since you were probably a little tipsy.  Justin said we had tape to stick to us!!  Oh the laugh and smile from Grandma was priceless!  I am so glad my boys know grandma so well.  They never forget anything that happens at her house!!!

Flowers from Hillary, Jason and Morgan

Flowers from Mickey and Peggy