Saturday, June 21, 2014


Jacob is going to show our bottle calf at the county fair in a few weeks.  Jake has not be very cooperative about leading!!!  So Finally after we gave him a bath today he went on a walk!!! Jake and Jacob both did very well.  The calf is named Jake because Joey and Justin love the show Jake and neverland Pirates

Sunday, June 15, 2014


We had a terrible storm in our area!!  Luckily we didn't have any damage but many around us did.  My Uncle Dick Graham had lots of damage.  He has a mobile home and he was in it during the storm.  He can't get around very good so he just waited it out.  Come to find out it moved it.  He said it was like riding a tractor in a rough field.  He had lot of other things damaged.  My parents also had damaged at their farm.  We are so thankful we rented our crop land out this year!!

A little of Everything!!!!

School is out!!!  We have been playing Baseball, T-ball, going to the pool, helping Jeremy at with Rk Fuels new project and just hanging out!!!!!  Jacob is playing on the minors ball team for Diagonal this year.  He like baseball but would rather be farming so we chose the team with no soo many games!!!  Joey and Justin play T-ball on Sunday nights.  It seems like we are always going somewhere.  It also seems like the refrigerator is ALWAYS empty!!!  We are having a great summer so far!!!