Sunday, March 29, 2015

Palm Sunday.

Justin and I went to church today.  It was very different.  We had a guest speaker.  He reminded me so much of Jeremy's step dad Mickey.  This guy is doing all the finishing wood work in the  new church.  He made a wood project today and why he was making this project, he talked about Jesus dying.  He ended up make a cross. I will admit Justin had been a little naughty until this guy started talking and then he listen he whole time.  It was so inspiring and really made you think about things. 

Then the Wiley band played. They are older people from out community.  Justin LOVED listening to them.  I told them I think they need to make a cd because that is the quietest Justin has been in days!!!  Hope Everyone has a wonderful Easter week!!! 

the little things

So sometimes it is the little things that mean the most.  We have been spending lots of time at Jeremy's Uncle Robs farm.  We have our older cows over there.  So we spend a lot of time checking for new babies.  Jeremy has been cutting lots of trees down.  So the boys and I go and burn brush piles.  It is just so relaxing.  It is way off the road and no one bothers us.  The boys love to run and play.  They help pick up sticks and love looking for the new babies.  I tell Jeremy I feel bad because we can't afford to take our kids on fancy vacations or to lots of events.  I have realized they are so lucky.  They get run and play and see baby calves everyday and have no boundaries.  They have such wild imaginations it is fun to listen to them.  Plus there is a Hunting shack so they love to climb and play in it.  

I found this quote one day.  I just go back a look at it often 

Thursday, March 26, 2015


We have wonderful weather for calving so far!!!  I think as of noon today we have had 19 calves out of 17 cows.  We have had 2 sets of twin and the momma's are claiming all of them!!  We know the boys would love to have another bottle calf.  It is way cheaper for momma to take care of it!!!  All of our first year heifers to calve have had babies but one.  This year we are putting pink tags in the girls and green tags in the boys!!!

Good bye Jake!!

All good things come to an end.  Yesterday we sold our 17 steer calves and Jake was one of them.  We had so much fun with Jake.  When he was in the sale ring the boys yelled JAKE and they looked right at him.  He was the last one to leave the ring.   The good part was we made over $1700 on him.  We will always have all the fun memories!!! 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Century Farm

We officially have a Century Farm today!!!  Jeremy couldn't  be prouder!!!  I surprised with this banner at the end of the driveway today!!! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

the horrible no good terrible day!!!

It was just one of those Saturdays.  It seem like no matter what I did it didn't go right.  First off Justin decided to cook himself a corndog.  So he wrapped in a paper towel and put in the microwave.  Well for some reason he  hit 5 minutes.  So the corndog and paper towel caught on fire.  Of course our whole house smelled like smoke for 2 days afterwards.  The best was he open the microwave and yelled he JOE COME LOOK!!!  Then when were going to town the other day and Jeremy was asking him about it.  Justin told Jeremy YOU MISSED IT.  We could do it again!!!!  I WAS LIKE NOOOOO!!!! 

So then later that day our washing machine pump went out.  Thankfully we had 14 days of warranty left on.  thankfully they are here fixing it as I type this!!!  

It's a BOY!!!!

Our First baby arrived EARLY!!!  It is cute as could be.  Of  course Joey loves going to see it.  He can't wait for more to arrive.  We should start having more within a week.  Once that starts it will be sleepless nights!!!